What is Ortho Physiotherapy ?
Musculoskeletal injuries includes any injury involving a joint, muscle, ligament or tendon and in most cases a combination of all four. A Physiotherapist with an orthopedic background will diagnose, manage, and treat disorders and injuries of the musculoskeletal system including rehabilitation after a motor vehicle accident (MVA) or recovering from an orthopedic surgery (the branch of surgery concerned with conditions involving the musculoskeletal system)
The symptoms of Orthopedic problems will depend on its type and part of the body of the patient. In the Orthopedic conditions, patients may feel the redness, swelling, and pain in the joints due to these conditions. They may face difficulty to move or any other physical activity due to joint pain. There can be a sound of rubbing of the bones during any kind of physical activity.

What our Ortho Physiotherapist treat ?
Orthopedic Conditions treated at the Acme Physiotherapy include:
Ligament Strain, Sprain or tear
Fracture Rehabilitation
Inflammation of tendons or Bursa
Osteo -Arthritis
Rheumatoid – Arthritis
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Surgical Rehabilitation of Hip, Shoulder, Knee and Foot/Ankle
How we do it
Physio treatments of orthopaedic conditions can include the following:
Manual therapy: This is a carefully graded system of moving the joints to reduce pain and restore normal mobility of the joints. It includes mobilisation, manipulation and other related techniques.
Massage-Techniques: vary from relaxing light pressure massage to deep friction massage to breakdown scar tissue in muscle or ligaments.
Ultrasound Therapy: An electrical machine which produces ultrasonic waves which are transmitted into the affected area using conducting gel. This in turn causes a micro-massage effect which promotes circulation, reduces pain and increases regenerative powers of tissues and helps muscle relaxation. It is very helpful in the treatment of soft tissue injuries.
Interferential Therapy: This is an electrical current delivered to the injured part via 2 or 4 electrodes. It sends two interfering currents into the body part which feels to the patient like pins and needles. It can be used to relieve pain. reduce swelling and optimise the healing process.
Neuromuscular Stimulation: An electrical machine with variable currents which is applied using electrodes to strengthen very weak muscles. This is very useful following knee surgery to strengthen the muscles that support the knee. Portable version are now available to rent or buy.
Dry-needling: This is a western medical technique and involves the insertion of fine needles into dysfunctional muscles. Dry needling works by changing the way your body feels pain and by helping the body heal trigger points. Myofascial trigger points are tender nodules within taut bands of muscle.There are electrical and biochemical changes associated with dry needling that assist in the healing process.
Taping for joint support/alignment. This will ease pain and facilitate normal movement.
Programme of Rehabilitation Exercises: Home Exercises are scientifically designed to help your posture, improve the mobility of your spine and joints ,stabilise and strengthen the muscles that support your bones .This will be taylor made and graded so you will reach your full potential. This is a critical part of your journey to return to full health.

What Are Benefits Of Ortho Physiotherapy
Improve Mobility – after suffering an injury, trying to get back to where you were before can be difficult. The Physical Therapy Experience can specifically give you personalized treatments in order to increase mobility and range of motion.
Avoid surgery – before jumping into surgery, physical therapy can provide you the recovery you need. Whether it’s exercise training or conducting different stretches, orthopedic physical therapy in Smithtown can be the best option for you.
Reduce/eliminate pain – some different exercises, such as ultrasound and taping, can be done in order to relieve pain and also strengthen joints and muscles.